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Tummy Tuck & Abdominoplasty

abdominoplasty Thailand tummy tuck

What is tummy tuck?

If you’ve got stubborn fat on your abdomen or stretched out skin, the abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is a popular procedure that makes the stomach area flat and smooth.

This is especially popular with women who have given birth and want a “mommy makeover” to get their bodies back. A tummy tuck helps tightens the muscles in the abdominal wall, and it’s also highly effective for getting rid of pregnancy stretch marks.


Men and women who have lost an excessive amount of weight can also benefit from a tummy tuck procedure to get rid of stretched, excess skin.


Before the procedure, the doctor will meet with you for a physical examination and to discuss your goals.

He might recommend a complete abdominoplasty, where the abdomen is cut across the hips, contouring the skin, muscles and tissue. The belly button is also moved, which will require the patient to have drainage tubes for the first few days of recovery.


The recovery process following surgery is a long one, where the patient needs to take extra care to ensure proper healing. There will be stitches and bandages on the abdomen, so it’s imperative to cease strenuous activity and follow the doctors orders carefully.


It’s a long and arduous road to recovery, but most patients love how they look afterwards. No pain no gain, right? For more information, contact the Azami team and we can set you up with a free consultation.

How long does tummy tuck take?

This type of surgery can take up to 5 hours. Another option is a partial or “mini” abdominoplasty. This procedure takes around 2 hours and targets fat deposits below the navel. The belly button is not moved.


How long does tummy tuck surgery recovery take?

Expect a total of 6 weeks to recover fully, in which a month should be taken off work to rest at home.


What are the results of tummy tuck surgery treatment?

With tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, as it’s most commonly referred to, you can slim up your stomach, for example after a massive weight loss or pregnancy.


How do I get tummy tuck surgery in Thailand?

Book a consultation and we will discuss your options for tummy tuck in Bangkok or another major city in Thailand. Azami will present you with discounted options among the best surgeons in your area.

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